Posts Tagged ‘wine’

A Glass of Wine a Day Will Keep the Doctor Away

November 18, 2009

Have you ever heard the saying “an apple a day will keep the doctor away”? Well now studies are beginning to show that moderate alcohol consumption, such as a glass of wine an evening with dinner may in fact have positive health effects. Now this article isn’t to suggest that prolonged and excessive alcohol consumption will be detrimental to one’s health, because it will, it is merely to suggest that indulging in a regular glass of wine is not harmful to your health.

A study called the “French Paradox” has confirmed that moderate wine consumption can be associated with a significant reduction in all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease and cancer among men. The study also found that moderate wine consumption was associated with a 30% reduction in the death rate from all causes; a 35% percent reduction in death rates from cardiovascular disease; and an 18-24% reduction in death rates from cancer.

In women, moderate alcohol consumption can cause fewer kidney stones. This study found that in all there was an approximate reduction of kidney stones of 39%.

Moderate wine consumption can also be associated with a reduced risk of stroke, a recent study says. Researchers believe that wine’s protective effects may be linked to disease fighting compounds other than alcohol. The study explicitly found that those who drank wine in moderation either daily, weekly or monthly had a 16%, 34%, and 32% reduced risk of stroke, respectively.

A glass of wine each day has also been found that create a lower risk of atherosclerosis than either abstainers or heavy drinkers. Atherosclerosis is a gradual build up of fatty deposits in arteries and is the leading contributor to coronary disease and fatal heart attacks. The study suggests that a glass of wine with dinner delays the absorption of harmful lipids.

Overall, researchers around the world have found that moderate alcohol consumption can be associated with a longer life. Moderate drinkers, they say, appear to be at a lower risk for all causes of death including cancer and other chronic disease. Ultimately, scientists say that the lowest mortality rate occurs in those who consume one or two drinks per day. So for all you wine drinkers out there raise your glass and cheers to a longer and more fruitful life!

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