Archive for the ‘Skin Health’ Category

How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

November 20, 2009

At some point or another everyone has had those unsightly dark circles under their eyes. The reason these dark circles appear is because the skin below the eyes is thin and does not have many oil glands like the rest of your face. Because of this, the veins appear more prominent resulting in dark circles under the eyes. There are a number of things that cause these circles such as heredity, lack of sleep, bone structure, sun exposure, medication, nutrition and hormonal changes. There are also many ways that you can help your body combat these unattractive dark circles.

There are a few things you can do daily that will help your dark circles look more radiant. These things include drinking nearly 10 glasses of water every day, getting get rest and adequate sleep, eating vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin A and consuming a nutritionally balanced diet.

If you are doing all of the above things and still seem to be getting dark circles or if you had a rough week, there are also some home remedies you can try. The first remedy is to apply slices of raw potato or cucumber over the eyelids for 15 minutes. Almonds are also considered a great skin food and an almond paste placed on the eye area for 10 minutes will help, alternatively almond oil can also be used. Another oil that has been found to fight dark circles is Vitamin E or olive oil. Another popular home remedy is to place cool tea bags under the eye. And lastly, applying fresh mint leaves around the eyes will also reduce dark circles.

If you aren’t one to apply food all over your face there are also some creams that have been found to help. Topical creams that have Vitamin K are most commonly prescribed to help with dark circles. Antioxidant products containing Vitamins C and E are also known to stimulate fibroblast activity in the dermal layer which firms up skin. There are also some over the counter products containing kinetin or AHA that reduce both the color and sagging. Chemical peels have also been known to help with chronic dark circles.

Finally, if all else fails, wear make up! Applying under the eye cream will certainly help conceal that ghastly dark color. Just make sure that when you are choosing your concealer that it matches your skin properly. A too light tone will only accentuate the dark circles. You can also avoid wearing eyeliner and mascara that may draw more attention to the lower part of your eye.

More skin care tips and tricks can be found here!

How To Stop Acne Breakouts Immediately

October 30, 2009

If there is one iron clad truth about acne, it’s that there is absolutely nobody who wants to have to deal with it. When you are young it can be a very large source of stress, due to the worry of facing your peers with the problem. As you get older, the emotional stress may be slightly less taxing but it certainly still exists. On top of that, it can interfere with certain types of jobs you may have or at the very least make you less confident in facing other people. Regardless of how old you are, you never look forward to the next time you have an acne breakout. The question is, how exactly can you prevent acne breakouts from occurring?

The first step in preventing future acne breakouts is to take very good care of your skin. Cleaning your skin with a wash cloth at least twice daily is a great way to get started. This will help exfoliate the skin by both cleaning as well as removing excess skin cells that can cause acne to develop by clogging pores. After cleaning the skin with a wash cloth, the next step is to use an acne preventing product such as Oxy Pads or Stridex. These products have a 2% acid solution that also helps to open pores and remove excess skin cells. Once your skin is as clean as it can be, you can focus on the next steps in keeping it free of acne. Should you spend much time in the sun, try and use an oil free sunscreen to help keep it safe.

While taking care of your skin is very important, it’s almost as important to take care of your inner self as well. Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can also help in the prevention of acne breakouts, not to mention improve your overall health. It’s also no secret that an excessive amount of stress can also have an impact on the skin’s condition as well. Do your best to avoid stressful situations, and should one arise then do your best not to make problems worse by constantly worrying about it.

Just a little extra time during your day taking better care of yourself is really all that is needed to help you stop acne breakouts immediately, and have you feeling better and more confident about yourself in no time.

For more information on skin health, click here!