Posts Tagged ‘peppermint’

Health Benefits of Peppermint

November 18, 2009

With Christmas nearing you are inevitably seeing delicious peppermint candy canes being sold in your local grocery store. Candy canes are one the best selling candies during the holiday season and are have multiple uses, including being used as Christmas tree decorations. Obviously eating them as a treat is the most popular use, but did you know that ingesting peppermint actually has health benefits for you?

Foremost, peppermint soothes the human digestive tract which in turn limits indigestion and results in less flatulence. Peppermint also helps alleviate stomach conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and has been found useful in treating stomach cancer and gallbladder disease.

Peppermint has also been shown to stunt the growth of many different types of bacteria and fungi. This in turn has been found to help relieve symptoms of allergies and asthma.

Finally, while many of you are probably not going to go around rubbing candy canes all over yourselves, peppermint oil has been found to help relieve tension headaches. And the mere smell of peppermint has been known to relieve stress.

So when you’re trying to decide what to have as a treat this holiday season reach for that candy cane and you who knows you may feel better after consumption than before!

For more health tips, click here!